KaS Mix BITCH!!!!!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Hell, Even Fox's View lol.. Debate Wrap: FOX Forum Contributors React to the First Presidential Debate

Lanny Davis
Former White House Special Counsel/FOX News Political Contributor

No Game Changing Moment

A dead heat for the most part — but John McCain ends weaker when attacking Obama. And Obama ends stronger by staying positive. But final conclusion: no game changing moment.

Ellen Ratner
Bureau Chief, Talk Radio News Service/FOX News Political Contributor

Who Scored with the Swing Voters?

I did not learn much new about either candidate tonight. I thought Senator McCain made some points that made him look presidential in the area of foreign affairs. But Senator Obama had more detail on many of the issues. Obama warmed up towards the end of the debate. Obama was first out of the gate with the words Usama bin Laden which was a definite point for him.

This was not the knock out for McCain that he really needed since international affairs is his strong suit.

Will the swing voter, that all-important twenty percent of the electorate– be convinced either way tonight? Most likely not. We will need more debates to find out which candidate that crucial undecided voter will move towards.

James P. Pinkerton
Writer/Columnist, The American Conservative magazine/FOX New Political Contributor

McCain Had Better Emotion and Perspective but Obama Looked Good and Spoke Smoothly

McCain is closer to the political middle on spending, energy, and the conduct of the Iraq war. McCain had better emotion, and better historical anecdotes and perspective. But Obama looked good, spoke smoothly, and showed a savvy willingness to copycat popular Republican positions, on such issues as energy and missile defense.

And Obama had a good point when he said, ‘There has never been a country on earth that saw its economy decline but maintained its military superiority”—in the midst of the current financial crisis, McCain didn’t have a good comeback.

McCain missed a chance to mention border security as an element of national security. Making that point would have given him a boost among swing voters.

And there are three debates ahead, including one with Sarah Palin.

Charles Krauthammer
Syndicated Columnist/FOX News Political Analyst

Obama came out ahead. … He didn’t have a knock out moment. This was a draw. [But] it gets out of the way a potential liability. I’d be surprised if McCain had a bounce from this.

This ends the drama of the McCain week and now we’re going to have a more normal campaign over the next couple of weeks.

Andrea Tantaros
Republican Political Commentator

McCain won tonight’s first debate. He appeared strong, seasoned, and resolute. But he was supposed to win. This was his strong suit. Obama didn’t press McCain as hard as he could have. Let me make one thing clear: Obama did not bomb it. Some might say by holding his own it’s a win for Obama, McCain simply seemed much more solid. This solidity comes from years of experience because when you have been through as much as Senator McCain has, adversity never leaves one where it finds them.

The most apparent difference between the two: how stylistically different both candidates are. After tonight this couldn’t be more evident.

McCain’s strengths:

- Tough times call for tough leaders and McCain was relentless. He did not cede one inch of ground to Obama.

-McCain went negative without seeming offensive. During a handful of times Obama seemed rattled. Specifically when it came to negotiating with rogue nations without pre-conditions and the Russian - Georgian conflict.

McCain’s weaknesses:

-Where’s the eye contact, John? I’m no body language expert but you seemed snobby.

Obama’s strengths:

-Senator Obama showed a command of the issues, even though he’s grossly off base with his solutions. Someone’s been studying.

-His ability to persuade through emotion. Obama’s opening statement and language during the beginning of the debate was much more relatable to the common voter.

-Obama came across as very, very likeable. I don’t care what anyone says. He was polite–almost too polite-and exponentially more bipartisan, though his record indicates otherwise.

Obama’s weakness:

-Obama missed significant opportunities to hammer McCain, and Republicans. Big mistake.

Bottom Line: This makes the next two debates even more interesting, and the stakes even higher for both.

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